
Train the Trainer Essentials

Learn to Design, Develop and Deliver with Vision and Vitality

Are you someone who helps develop training in your organization and want to PUNCH! it up with energy and passion? Imagine creating a workshop where your employees are inspired to expand their awareness, knowledge and skills to enhance professional performance, team work and business results. Imagine being inspired to facilitate this workshop each and every time! Learn to bring vision and vitality through the integration of interactive activity, learning aides, coaching, the Inspired Learning Model, a program approach and the learner’s resources to create transformational workshops. The ripple effect can be powerful.

Breathe life into your training programs and transform them into brilliant and enthused experiences. We offer our core Train the Trainer Essentials program described below along with any of these additional modules, all of which can be tailored to your specific needs:

  • Enhance your presentation and facilitation skills
  • What to do when CrankyPants, Groucho, HoHum and Others are in the Room
    (bring learners from resistance to enthusiasm)
  • The magic of great handouts & learning aides
  • Feedback Assessment—what was it that knocked your socks off?

The Train the Trainer Essentials program takes you through the three stages of workshop development and shows you how to tap into the inner game of learning.

Apply the seven elements of a LEARNING PROGRAM vision to establish a solid foundation for your workshop.

Design an experience that integrates the subject matter and learning strategies with personal style and a positive learning environment.

Implement your workshop with ease and confidence by attending to logistics, facilitation, and follow-on activities.

You will learn to:

  • Identify the characteristics of your audience and adjust the workshop accordingly
  • Articulate the transformation you want learners to experience as a result of your workshop
  • Specify the purpose or goal(s) of your workshop
  • Specify the learnings (skills, knowledge, awareness) you want learners to gain by the end of your workshop and link them to the subject matter
  • Understand the relationship between desired level of mastery and the workshop learnings
  • Create materials that guide the facilitator through the workshop experience
  • Select and sequence the content of your subject matter based on the workshop learnings
  • Identify follow-on activities and other options that turn your training into a PROGRAM for effective transfer of learning to the workplace
  • Incorporate elements of the Inspired Learning Model into your workshop design and implementation

Who will benefit

  • Technical trainers and subject matter experts
  • HR Professionals
  • Project and Administrative Managers
  • Supervisors and Team Leaders
  • Managers responsible for staff development


Participants: 8-15 maximum

Format: 2 day onsite intensive with 2 Learning Facilitators

Integration Support:
•  3 month integration support via teleclass
•  Integrative exercises and handbook
•  3 private mentor coaching sessions for each participant