About the Foundation for Inspired Learning

The Foundation for Inspired Learning is in existence to revolutionize the way in which people learn anything and everything. The Foundation has put for the Inspired Learning Model™ (ILM) which is a proven, leading-edge competency-based learning philosophy that is clearly articulated, easily understood and simple to implement. In fact, the ILM is so flexible that it can be implemented in a ll training and education venues (classrooms, online, e-learning, hands-on environments, on-the-job locations, field training) and with all subject matters (hard and soft skills, knowledge-based learning, beliefs and attitudes).

Concrete, scalable and transferable, the Inspired Learning Model creates a positive and accelerated learning environment for virtually all trainees, with emphasis on a series of basic competencies.

With over ten years of studied use of the Inspired Learning Model, we have observed the following outcomes:

  • Individuals experience life-altering changes, resulting in:
    • Fast and noticeably positive relationship dynamics;
    • A marked increase of life satisfaction;
    • Less stress and negative, limiting self-talk;
    • Significant gains of self-confidence, self-esteem and positive self-expression.
  • Organizational culture shifts, as evidenced by increased:
    • Constructive communication;
    • Positive morale;
    • Cooperation, team work and creativity;
    • Clarity and sense of purpose.
  • Learning environments are transformed into greenhouses where learning thrives, benefiting:
    • Teachers, managers, parents who become rejuvenated, happier human beings, who experience significantly less burnout;
    • Learners who voluntarily choose to continue in this empowering learning environment; Learners who are willing to take more calculated risks to explore their subject matter in greater depth.

The Foundation for Inspired Learning is registered with the IRS as a not-for-profit 501(c)3 charitable organization in the State of California, and welcomes charitable donations in support of its work.

For further information on the Foundation for Inspired Learning, or to become an Inspired Learning Facilitator™, please visit their website at www.inspiredlearning.org.